Monday, March 26, 2012

Grace Naydeen

Today we are celebrating Gracie's birthday!  Her birth, both, seems like yesterday AND a long long time ago.  Life before parenthood, seems so distant and blurry, but 8 years flew by.  I can't think of anything that brings more joy into a home, than children.  Gracie was our first joy infusion.  It feels like an overwhelming responsibility when you have your first child.  As if any book or guide could prepare you for how to be a parent.  With Gracie, there really wasn't a lot to learn.  She was so easy-going and content, nothing ever really bothered her.  She slept through the night near the end of her first month.  She rarely cried.  She ate and played and babbled - and keeping up with her was a breeze.
 When Gracie became a 'big' sister, she was/is a natural.  She is responsible, helpful and diligent.  

She loves having her picture taken...

She is comfortable telling you, when she doesn't like this hat.

She's calm and content.

She has short legs! And is learning that it's not such a bad thing.

 Gracie has a great sense of humor! Here's her newest joke : "How do chickens say 'precisely'?  Eggsactly." (she made it up all by herself)

She  lets her daddy tease her - and she laughs (most of the time).

Gracie is ready to take on the world!

Gracie is daddy's girl... and she knows it.

Gracie loves to sing - and has a lovely voice.

She LOVES being big sister! And she has mentioned several times, how much she likes having a baby sister.  When 'the littles' are bothering her, she likes to take refuge, with baby Iris. I think they'll be great friends.

Gracie is intelligent and sensitive - and can't decide whether she'd like to be a veterinarian, a baker, an artist or a first grade teacher.

Gracie is kind, thoughtful and patient.
Grace is wise and mature - she is an excellent problem solver.  She is passionate about wasting less and caring for the Earth.  It puts me at ease, knowing that kids like Gracie will lead the way for living a different way in the future.  When 'too much packaging' offends her so - I know she will not allow that sort of indifference for resources and will find solutions in her own lifetime.  She is also passionate about justice.  When something is unkind or unfair, she is affected in such a way, that I KNOW she will not stand for injustice as an adult.  This is so encouraging to me, that such a quiet, thoughtful girl is moved to action when faced with something that doesn't quite sit right with her soul.  I am endlessly proud of Grace and the girl she has become and am so excited to see what a beautiful woman she will be!
Happy Birthday Gracie Girl - may you live life this year, like never before!


  1. Thanks for making us proud Grandparents 8 years ago Grace! We love you so much!

    Oval Grampster &
    Short Grandma
