Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why I Use Cloth (most of the time)

A few years ago, I had two littles in diapers. I was using disposables, and had always cringed at the idea of cloth diapering.  It seemed 'yucky'.  Then something happened to change my perspective of how much waste our family was producing.  Our somewhat-behind-the-times town began offering curbside recycling services.
Once we began recycling the majority of our waste - I realized how much of our weekly 'garbage' was dirty diapers!  Those two tiny kids were using about 2 garbage bags full of diapers per week. Ick.
While I cannot be responsible for what other people choose to throw in the landfill, I can be responsible for what our family deems waste. So, I began looking into cloth diapering.
I found I could purchase a set of cloth diapers for about what I was paying for 2 months of disposables.  So, there's the economic side of it, which is pretty outstanding, purchase a set of diapers, and actually save money. But there are things that I didn't expect - both Pete and Ella have very sensitive skin, and their eczema was actually soothed by the change from disposables.  There is also huge satisfaction in not feeling like you're a slave to the 'throw-away' diapers.  Yes, you have to wash cloth diapers, but is that really more effort than the panicky rush to the store when you're down to your last disposable diaper? I have found that it's a relief to know I always have a cloth diaper in reserve, and without leaving the house, I can have a pile of clean, dry, good-as-new diapers filling my diaper drawer again in a matter of hours.
Here's the part that you might like to know : I don't use cloth diapers 100% of the time.  When I'm out and about, I usually use disposables.  I don't usually travel with cloth.  I usually use a disposable for a nighttime diaper.
So, there it is - I use cloth diapers most of the time, and I have reduced the amount of unnecessary waste leaving our home. When I encounter someone considering cloth diapering, my advice is usually 'you can do it!' but don't feel bad if you use some disposables sometimes.  It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Even if you replace one diaper a day with cloth, you're reducing your waste, and saving money.
Right now, there's a campaign to replace 3 disposables a day with cloth - Change 3 Things.  And I think that's a pretty great place to start - any little bit helps.
I have used a variety of covers and diapers - and really, all I have to say about that is : "buy what you think you'll use" - they all really work about the same.  I'm using plain old organic cotton prefolds, right now and handmade covers from Swaddle In Cloth.
The only real difference with my babe, is 'cloth diaper bum' - which doesn't fit in regular sized pants. This is no problem, especially if you have big sisters, or a mom who likes to make fancy pants for you.

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