Friday, February 3, 2012

On politics

Mostly, I just don't care at all about what goes on in politics anymore. There, I said it. It's true.
I used to think it was a weakness to be uninformed about the goings-on in the political arena.  Now, I mostly think it takes energy away from the things I really want to be doing.  It's stressful to hear all the extremes in philosophies - and judgments of one side toward the other - and ridiculous witch-hunting - and harmful and horrible ways human beings choose to voice their opinions. 
I don't even really identify myself with one party or the other - yes, I have a lot in common with one party, but I don't align myself with the leaders or spokespeople of that party.  I sometimes wonder if one was presented with a list of ideas, without identifying whether they were spoken by an (R) (D) or (I), if that person would know what to think about those ideas.  Maybe, people are more conscientious than that - I hope so.
In the end, I hope that no matter what your political views are, you are choosing to be kind to other humans, whether they agree with you or not.  Life is far too short to be caught up in the madness, instead I'd like to spend my time dancing with my kids and taking in the joy found in each day.

1 comment:

  1. I actually said these words to Laur a few weeks ago..."This is an election year?"
