Friday, June 15, 2012

Dear 18 year old self,

While travelling to observe my cousin graduate from high school.  I couldn't help but remember that I had been 18 once.  It seems like an awfully long time ago.  I thought about how life flows and plans are made and how interesting it might be to have a conversation with my 18 year old self.

If you could write your younger self a short message - what is the one thing you'd say, something your 18 year old self might listen to?  There's your challenge.  What would you say?  Something that may save you some heartache? or pain? something that may encourage you to keep pressing on, or follow your dreams?  Feel free to share your thoughts here, if you don't mind.

Dear 18-year-old-Jenn,
         Don't ever be afraid to change your mind.
Old Jenn

Dear 18-year-old-Jenn,
         It's ok if you don't know what you'll be when you grow up.
Old Jenn

Dear 18-year-old-Jenn,
          You will find love and it will be awesome - so stop trying so hard.
Old Jenn

Dear 18-year-old-Jenn,
          You know those times when you feel nervous and anxious?  Other people feel that way too - and you don't have to participate if it makes you feel so uncomfortable.
Old Jenn

Dear 18-year-old-Jenn,
          You're good enough, you're smart enough and doggonit people LOVE you!
Old Jenn

Dear 18-year-old-Jenn,
          You should definitely get Dave's contact info before he moves away!
Old Jenn

OK - your turn!


  1. Dear 18-year-old-Drew,
    Would it kill you to pick up some weights now and again?
    I'm only 31...that's not THAT old Drew

  2. Beware of your naivety. It will cause a lot of hiccups.


  3. Dear 18-year-old-Anita
    It won't kill your grandparents if you follow "your dream" rather than their dream for you!
    Really old Anita, who is now following her own dreams!

  4. Dear 18 year old Robin,

    Don't feel guilty for every little thing. And the world does not revolve around you. And you are not responsible for everyone in the world.

    Love, Middle aged Robin

  5. Dear 18 year old Emily,
    You do not have it all figured out. And it turns out your Mom is right a good portion of the time after all. -Still figuring it all out at almost 30, Emily

  6. Dear 18 year old self:
    Don't worry about what everyone else thinks of you. Relax and quit worrying about the future because Gods plans are far greater that anything you have in mind. Don't sweat the small stuff.

    Love slightly older Marla

  7. Dear 18 year old Kent;

    Don't be so shy! People will think you're stuck up! Don't be so mean to girls; it's not that funny and they have feelings, too! Outgoing is a good thing; learning to listen and not talk so much...Priceless!

    Love; "soon to be 55" Kent
