Monday, June 11, 2012

A long overdue puddle of mush

I have finally made it to a place of peace and rest.  The last year and a half have had events and moments which were very hard to swallow, much less make any sense of.  I have officially given up on trying to understand most of it.  And I'm working through the parts of letting go and moving forward.  I've moved forward before - but never with such a clean slate as this.  This clean slate is actually really empowering - and I am sure that whatever it is we choose to fill our lives with, wherever and whenever - it will  be fresh and new.

While I know that this stuff has been just as awkward for many of you, as it has been for us - I also know that there are some things which were not said aloud - and these things are important to know.

I am very grateful for your generosity.  We had a dream - and a goal and we asked for your support and you gave it to us.  To be honest, it's really embarrassing to me, that I asked and you gave and then everything fell apart - before I was able to thank you properly.  But that doesn't mean you don't deserve to be thanked, nor does it mean I am not grateful.  Up until recently, I just didn't know what or how to say this - but very simply : Thank you!

I'm thankful for all the things which were given: tables, chairs, lamps, art, speakers, pews, dishes, cash donations, t-shirt purchases, free advertisement - time, patronage and love.

Aunt Laurie - Thanks for supporting our dreams and for being there when things fell apart.  Thanks for cheering us on and being proud of us!

Cousin Tammy - Thanks for supporting us and all your free advertising!

Kevin and Linda - Thanks for spreading the word and being so supportive.  (and your parents too!)

Kara and Lynne - Thanks so much for taking time to come and support us in person! Your smiling faces and encouraging words - were priceless!

Alan and Marla - Thanks! Thanks for your support from afar and your support of our dreams. Thanks for donating and encouraging us.  Your endorsement gave us momentum!

Darin and Kail - Thank you so much for your generous donation of furniture!  And restaurant supplies.  That truck load of furniture saved us thousands of dollars. We are so grateful!

Mom and Dad - Thanks so much! Thanks for taking the time to hear our vision and dreaming big with us! Thanks for jumping in with us.  For cheering us on, for beaming with pride and being our biggest fans.  Thanks for giving countless hours of real labor - for giving countless donations and giving so much of your time.  Thanks for being there when everything went wrong and STILL cheering us on, beaming with pride and continuing on as our biggest fans.

Gram and Gramps - Thank you for everything. For giving countless items and being so helpful! Thanks for being there when everything went wrong. Thanks for being a safe place to run to.  Thanks. We love you and are so grateful for your support and blessings.

Please forgive my tardiness.


  1. You are very welcome Jenn. You and your family are worth supporting!

  2. I'm so happy you're in a better place, and I'm looking forward to seeing where you, and your sweet family, go from here!

  3. You are so welcome, my love. I'll bet not a person on this list regrets a single thing we did to support you, and we're ready to do it again!

  4. Not only are you very welcome; but we are even prouder of how you weathered the storm with honesty, integrity and your heads held high! You are awesome people, and awesome parents with awesome kids! Thank you for your continued generosity and love!


  5. You are so nice. I like this post. I am happy to hear of your forward is good!
    Consider coming to SolWest Energy Fair in John Day, Oregon end of July. Fig Fam Five will be there. You could be inspired...
